Friday, November 23, 2012

Hi again

Well,  the bee season has come to a close. This year was similar to last, as the pink hive was stronger and more successful than the blue. I decided not to extract any honey from the blue and I removed about 10 frames from the pink. After that I fed both hives to increase the odds of both surviving the winter. I have again sold my honey to the Volunteer Park Cafe This is a great restaurant and bakes really yummy food! The proceeds from my sales went to help Pollinator Pathways,  an organization working to make Seattle more green.  Pollinator Pathways is creating "a mile-long row along Columbia Street, standard planting strips (usually a band of grass between sidewalk and street) will be transformed into pollinator-friendly gardens, offering viable food and habitat to these vitally important insects." Of course honey bees are one of the most important pollinators.  

On another note, during October I was interviewed and photographed by Sunset magazine. They are doing a spread on bees and beekeepers in Seattle. I am still unsure if I will be featured, but fingers crossed I may be in the March issue if all works out. 

Hope the holiday season is going well and eat lots of honey