Friday, November 26, 2010


This week in Seattle it snowed! Snow does not usually happen this early in winter, so it took everyone by surprise. The bees, of course, are not happy about this. They would rather be in nice, hot weather. The snow was about five inches high on the top of the hive. I brushed it off when I had the chance. Sadly, this week I started noticing more and more dead bees. Then I woke up to see hundreds of them on the ground. I was worried, and so was my mom, so we e-mail Corky Luster from Bh Honey to ask him if this was normal. He e-mailed back saying, "This is the season when you will see dead bees on the ground and all over the bottom of the hive. They are dying at home instead of while they forage". I hope Corky is right about that, for I do not want to open the hive in the spring seeing thousands of little dead bodies.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Good Night Bees

About 3 weeks ago the hive got closed down. I sadly could not be there (too busy with school) so Corky and my mom did it. They put wood chips in the top box to collect moisture. Also a mouse guard got put on the entrance, so the bees look like they are in jail. I have been seeing more dead bees around, so I hope nothing bad is going on inside.

Tonight I watched the movie Colony at the Northwest Film Forum on Capitol Hill. I liked it, though I felt it was a little too long. While I was sitting watching the movie, I was wondering how many people at the movie were also beekeepers, or if I was the only one!
